November 25, 2011

31 Cups of Happiness Challenge

31 Cups of Happiness Challenge

Tis the season of over indulging in credit card debt, shopping at odd hours, fighting off the grandmas for that last Black Friday specially priced item, etc.. etc...etc..

Stressedl, angry, tired.  That may describe all that you feel during these holidays.  Imagine that we all may feel that way? Makes for an unhappy world!  In order to alleviate all that I want to challenge all of you to this idea of spreading happiness, one cup at a time.

WTH is that???!!! Dora and her loony talk!  I know!  A cup of coffee is like a warm hug to me.  It’s the reminder of my Dad and his newspaper and cup of Joe on a lazy Sunday.  It represents the warm conversations with my dearest friends.  It means the beginning of a new work day, and that I am relieved that in this day and time I have a job to complain about.  It’s a reminder that I’m tired because my children were tended to when they were sick the night before. 
For the month of December I challenge you to spread a little cheer.  Not to those you know, but to complete strangers.  For each day during the month I want you guys to pick a stranger and buy them their coffee, hot cocoa, soda, bottled water for them.  In these times when economy is bad, jobs are scarce, anxiety high, let’s spread cheer.  J 
It can be totally anonymous or you can let them know who you are.  It’s all up to you. 
Let’s have a great holiday season and better New Year 2012!
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