I have always wanted the classic Radio Flyer wagon. My parents though it was silly and I never got one. I wanted to haul around my stuffed animal, my collections of sea shells, and piles of dirt I had strewn all over the backyard. Mami wouldn't hear of it, and Sarge (Dad) although in a very authortative career, never disagreed with Mami. So my dream of a Radio Flyer was never to be.
Fast Forward some 30 years. I decide to take the Things to their first trip to the beach. Yes, I was that INSANE! Thing One was about 22 months and Thing Two was about 7 months old. This was our first venture out without a friend or Mami coming along to help. I made sure I packed everything and I would have a way to get them to the water and back. What I didn't anticipate was how hard it would be to push a double stroller in the sand. I ended up pulling them in the stroller, holding a beach bag and just being completely frustrated with it all. At that moment I remembered my desire for that beautiful Red Radio Flyer Wagon.
I researched all types of wagons within my budget. My goodness that simple wagon had evolved! There where collapsable wagons, which would have been perfect for space reasons. I bought one at the county fair only to be disappointed in the quality of it and the fact that on it's first test run out in our neighborhood the front wheel fell off. I promptly returned it and never looked at another collapsable wagons again. I moved on to researching sturdier makes of wagons. Some of them had these ENORMOUS wheels with room in the back for an ice chest. I thought, seriously, where would I put that? More than likely it would sit in the garage until a MAJOR event, and not for maybe a daily stroll. I really needed to find something in between those two extremes.
Christmas rolled around and there I was browsing Walmart's web site when the curiousity about a wagon struck me again. I searched wagons and low and behold, there it was with my favorite words on it, ON SALE!
Christmas rolled around and there I was browsing Walmart's web site when the curiousity about a wagon struck me again. I searched wagons and low and behold, there it was with my favorite words on it, ON SALE!
It had a canopy, big, but not bulky, storage space. PERFECT! I placed the order and got it just before Christmas.
The Things' Dad, Big Cheese was kind enough to put it together for the kids. Not very many pieces to assemble, in fact it took him less than an hour to assemble the whole thing. We loaded the wagon into Big Cheese's SUV and went to the park.
There is plenty of space to store items, sturdy cup holders for both children inside the wagon and outside for the parents. I find that the back storage bag has plenty of space to hold blankets, spare diapers, etc. On one shopping trip to the grocery store I was able to fit a 12 pack of bottled water, 2 boxes of cereal, some bananas and a half gallon of milk. Even though the children's cup holder is inside on the floor, which could potentially be hard to reach for little hands or kicked by little feet, I like them. The cup holders for the children have space for a sippy cup, or with it's design of cup holder, can actually hold a juice box. The cushioned seats have pockets for wallets, keys, and two cell phone holders. I like that they are removable and easy to spot wash. Manuveuring the wagon is pretty easy as well. I'm able to move around tight corners with ease. The canopy is a plus as well as it's ease in which I can take it off. It's great for shade and light sprinkles of rain. I don't recommend it for a true rainy day. I had to mention this because some people will actually use it in the rain and then all of a sudden, there is a recall.

We have not taken it out to the beach yet, but it's a fun to take the the kids around the neighborhood on nice days. It's really funny now because when Thing One observes that I take out the wagon from the garage he immediately screams out "store, go bye bye!" Funny little boy! I can't wait for future exiciting adventures with the Red Radio Flyer wagon with Things One and Two!