Which got me a little bit fired up and saddened. Here I am trying to raise children who will be bilingual and here is a law that will stifle people who refuse to speak it for fear of racial profiling. WOW! Strong message Arizona Governor, you are sending America backwards instead of forward!
I am aware of all that this new law covers. I understand that immigration has become a problem, and that is not my issue. My issue is that racial profiling will get out of hand. Citizens who may look a particular way, who for example maybe stopped for a traffic violation will be asked to provide legal proof of citizenship. Let me tell you, I am Latina, very proud of being one as well as being an American.

Sarge often spoke of his frustration of not being able to communicate well with his parents because of his lack of knowledge of the spanish language. He wanted to assure that I would be able to communicate with my family and to be able to help others as well. Sarge made sure Mami only spoke to me in Spanish and that I would know all about both of my parent's culture. He knew that eventually, while in the school system I would be able to manage both languages and that I would thrive.
Presently I speak to my children in Spanish and Big Cheese speaks to them in English. That seems to work for now. I also read to my children in both languages. Many think I may confuse them doing so, but I want to raise well rounded children. I follow the guidelines for raising bilingual children and so far it seems to work. Now and again Thing One will switch back and forth languages or refuses to speak spanish to me, but it's all expected especially since he is at that age when language and learning are a huge part of his life
I want them to be bicultural as well as decent human beings who will be accepted despite their differences from their peers. I hope that they will not be misguided in thinking that being of a different race or ethnicty and speaking another language will jeopordize their safety.
For my co-worker in Arizona I say this: "Do not fear my friend, be a strong person and don't be afraid of speaking something that come's natural to you." For those of you who feel the need to keep people in fear: "SHAME ON YOU!" For all other's who believe this this law is infringing on your human rights: Take a stand, tell these politician's what America really stands for "EQUALITY"!
For Thing One and Thing Two: "My beautiful babies, don't ever be ashamed of who you are and where you came from or live in fear because of that. You are loved and Mommy will never let anything harm you!"
"It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees." - Emiliano Zapata
Fuerza mi gente y adelante!