I was cleaning out the closets and getting ready to get rid of things when I ran into a few diaper bags I have used in the past with my babies. Each one of the bags has a story of where I was in my many mommy stages.
The BackPack
My first ever diaper bag was a sling backpack diaper bag. We chose this one because, well there was a "WE". I wasn't going to be the only one lugging around a baby and really how cool does a guy look with a Winnie the Pooh diaper bag?
The Free Hospital Small Diaper Bag
The Suitcase "THE BEAST"
This lovely HUGE suitcase of a diaper bag was what was required when I was in the thick of two babies that were 17 months apart. It carried bottles, sippy cups, bibs, change of clothes, pull -ups, snacks, diapers, a huge refill of baby wipes, plastic bags, baby food. I probably could have packed a few receiving blankets in that thing too. This was also the time I found myself alone and having to bring both babies with me anywhere and everywhere.
This is the tote bag that was on a smaller scale than the BEAST I was carrying when I had two babies in tow. I started using this one when Thing Two was about 9 months old and Thing One was completely potty trained. I still had to lug some bottles and snacks and diapers around, but it wasn't the overwhelming monster I had to pack previously.
The "Let's Go Somewhere FUN" Backpack
This is what I currently use to go to places like the County Fair, the Zoo, Book Fairs, the park for a day, or anything that requires a whole day out with two toddlers. I like the broad straps that make it comfortable to wear on my shoulders. It also leaves my hands free to catch a toddler who just happens to run the opposite way of our intended destination. It also has my favorite college's logo on it. I aspire to have one or both of the Things to go someday. 

The "Throw it in" Tote Bag
This was given to me recently for Christmas. I love that I can personalize it with pictures that mean a lot to me and Things One and Two. I love that I can now just throw in two sippy cups, one change of clothes, a few diapers, and a small wipe box. It's light and the kids love to hold it for me and look at the memories we've created along the way.