March 18, 2011

Flashback Friday - A not so simple letter.

What is Flashback Friday? Well since parenthood for me started way before this blog. I blogged a lot in various places like Myspace, Babycenter Community, and Facebook. For you to better understand where I come from I have decided to bring those blogs back on Fridays. I want to be able to relate to all of you that may be going through something similar and let you know you are not alone in your feelings. I will apologize ahead of time, this is the raw stuff before I started getting better at expressing myself via blogs. Enjoy my friends

July 27, 2007 -  I was getting really close to my due date and I was thinking of all the things I wanted my child to know.  Two weeks after I wrote this, my son Thing One appeared into this world.
Swollen and ready at my baby shower for Thing One.
Yesterday I went to the fancy paper shop in the mall and picked out some stationary (Yes I know how antiquated!). I couldn't believe how long it took me to pick it out. Usually it takes me maybe two minutes to pick one out and start writing something on it. This time the letter wasn't going to a friend or a relative, this time I was going to write to my unborn son.

I have been wanting to do this for sometime now, I guess there is no time like the present. It's going to be difficult and easy at the same time to write the letter for him. The reason I'm doing it is simple, I remember coming into adulthood and thinking, am I doing all the things my father would have wanted for me. Is this what he envisioned for me? I had sometime with him before he left, but I think if it was written down and left for me to read in his own words I would have felt more secure about his hopes for me.

So here I sit with the "perfect" paper for my son contemplating on all that I want to say to him. Of course he will not be allowed to open this until his 18th birthday and I'm hoping to still be around for that. If I'm not, at least he will in some way be connected to me from beyond and know that I will always love him no matter where life takes him.

Have any of you left something for your loved ones for the future? Believe me, it's important, you never know what life has in store around the corner for you and yours. I for one and glad for the time I had with my father and others who are no longer with me.
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