March 12, 2012

Blogversary Part Deux...

Two years go by so quickly and yet they stand still.  I still remember why I wanted to blog.  It was a personal journey.  My heart and mind were swirling and I was trying to grasp at what my role was as a single mother of two very young children.  Nothing ever really prepares you for the struggle of trying to negotiate with an ex partner over children who you love deeply. My hopes and dreams ever since I can remember was to have a family that included a father a mother and children all under one roof.  So coming to grips with the fact that I would be a single parent has been one of those moments when you don't necessarily give up, but you have to decide to move forward. 

Through it all my two babies have grown almost unscathed and have had a very normal childhood.  We've had bumps and heart wrenching moments along the way, yet here I am writing to say "it's okay". 

Parenting is never easy, add hurt feelings and broken relationships and it gets sticky.  Big Cheese and I have compromised and we have learned to put things aside for the most important things in our lives: Thing One and Thing Two.  Sure there are still obstacles to overcome, but I have learned a lot as I am sure Big Cheese has.

To all of you who take time to come and read my little blog, thank you.  You have often left encouraging notes and have empathized with whatever craziness I am going through.

So to another year of mountains to climbs and put my little blog flag on! :)


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