January 20, 2012
My Newest addiction...
I have a coffee addiction, it's no big secret. I have two kids under the age of five, it's a MUST in my case. I can barely keep up with them. I also can't keep up with the rate that these rug rats are growing out of clothing.
One week the jeans fit the next week it's as if they are expecting a GIANT flood. It is very hard on a single mom's budget to keep up with these growing children. Not only is it hard on the budget, but on the mountains and mountains of clothes Thing One and Thing Two can go through in a year just piles. I have given plenty of clothes away to close friends who's children are close behind my two. Somehow I can't around to getting rid of the clothes fast enough. I've done consignment shops, particularly Children's Orchard.
Consignment shops are a great idea, you take in your gently used clothes into the shop to sell and you get either store credit or cash back. They normally give you more in store credit and I've had some great finds. I got a great Children's Place denim jacket for Thing One for a lot less and in great condition. The only problem I have with this consignments shop is that for clothing you are limited to making appointments with a buyer and it can be months out before I get the clothes sold. By then I have a whole new batch of clothes that have been grown out of. Not only that but they have the oddest hours and the closest one to me is only opened during my work hours. I work about an hour away, so there goes that idea. I do however like the fact that I can take a lot of my large items, like high chairs, strollers, larger toys and not have an appointment for those.
So that still leaves me with children's clothes in the garage and I'm beginning to resemble a hoarder (YIKES). Donating is a great tax deduction, but to be honest I need money for larger clothes quickly and this can't wait until the end of the year. I recently received a great invitation via email from my friend "C". She has three growing kids and loves clothes just about as much as I do. So what to do with this obsession? Easy, that's when a virtual online swamping of boxes of clothes and other things that have been outgrown. It's a consignment shop online and it's the easiest thing I've ever done. I signed up to ThredUp in December and to date four boxes full of gently used clothes are making some other children happy and some mom or dad is grateful they didn't have to spend a fortune on clothes.
I received two great boxes full of clothing that my children loved. You can also post request for items you are in search of. I am currently ISO (In Search Of) some gently used soccer cleats for my Things. At 30 dollars a pop for new ones times 2, well that's just too much.
If you are interested in learning more and want to save a whole lot of MULA, get uncluttered, and save the planet (ok you knew I was going to throw that in there) please click on the link below to learn more. It's so simple that a busy working single mom of two under two can do it! So go on...click:
ThredUp and save. Click HERE! :)
My Newest addiction...
2012|budget|community|hand-me-downs|Single parenting|